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Harassment and Lewd Behavior

Patrons and staff have the right to enjoy an environment free from harassment or lewd conduct. Harassment is defined as persistent and unwelcome conduct or actions. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, unwelcome requests for sexual favors, unwelcome physical contact of a sexual nature, or unwelcome verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Anyone, including patrons, who harasses staff or another patron will be asked to leave the library and a report will be filed with the director. Repeated acts of harassment or acts that appear to have the potential to escalate into violent or illegal actions will also be reported to the local police department.

Lewd acts, sexual misconduct, and sexual harassment are not acceptable actions. Those who commit minor acts, such as teenagers who “make out” in the library will be given one warning and then asked to leave. Serious acts involving minors will be reported to the local police department. All acts of sexual harassment will also be reported to the director for investigation.

Approved by Library Board 3/19/13


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